
Practice Areas

Personal Injury Attorneys

Many large law firms put quantity before quality and take on numerous personal injury cases. Here at “The Firm”, we are big enough to handle your claims and small enough to provide specific and dedicated service for your claim. We are extremely selective in taking on personal injury cases because we are dedicated to providing each client with the time, energy and focus to maximize his or her chance of success.

Call “The Firm”, Law Offices of Dean Foote, PLC, toll free at 866-866-3476 (918-317-8137 local) to schedule a free consultation.

Fighting Back Against Insurance Companies

Here at “The Firm”, we are committed championing the cause or causes of brain injuries, head trauma, coma, concussion, spinal cord trauma, and paralysis victims despite limiting "tort reforms". Insurers know we work zealously for our clients because we push hard for full coverage for your damages.

Wrongful Death Representation

Here at “The Frim”, we are dedicated to produce results on behalf of grieving spouses, children, and parents whose loved ones have been killed in car accidents as a result of someone’s negligence.

A family member's wrongful death case is not viewed by us as simply another car accident fatality. These type of cases motivate us to advocate as zealously as we can to ensure that every potential source of compensation is discovered and pursued.

“THE FIRM” The Law Firm You Can Trust!